Nov 23, 2008

Twilight Movie

Melissa and I went to the Twilight movie last night at the District. When the movie was about to start most of the women starting screaming and clapping. I thought, what the heck is going on. The first time Edward showed up on the screen the same thing happened. Women were yelling "I love you Edward". It made me laugh. Does anyone wonder why the women are so obsessed with Edward? I don't. Every women wants a romantic for a husband. It doesn't mean they have to be gushy or anything, just romantic. Husbands this is for you. Take time to make your wife feel special. You'll be glad you did. By the way, Melissa didn't like the movie and I thought it was pretty good. I thought it followed the book pretty well. Hurried a little, but followed the story. I think Edward could have been more good looking, a real eye candy if you know what I mean. Other than that, he did good.

1 comment:

KKandKoKo said...

I don't know why everyone loves this movie and I hated it! I guess I got something different out of the book than everyone else! j/k I only felt the connection between Bella and Edward a few times...oh well, I hope someone will redo the movie one day! For now, I'll stick with the book.