Dec 10, 2008

Kadens Birthday

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" KADEN. I can't believe you are eight already. You have grown up so fast. I hope you have a great day today.
Love, Grandma, Grandpa, Dave, Mike, Melissa, Zac and Blaise.

Dec 7, 2008

Deer and cows, what the...

Friday morning I came upstairs ready to go to work. Blaise and Zac were standing at the kitchen window looking out in the backyard. We had six deer walking around our backyard. We have a four foot fence that they jumped over. I tried to video them jumping but couldn't catch them doing it. It was awesome to watch. I was a half hour late to work taking pictures and listening to Blaise talk about the deer. He said "isn't it cool". It was cool. We were woke up Sunday morning at seven thirty by cows mooing. I didn't even know we had cows anywhere by us. Apparently the farmer whose house we rent put cows in his field yesterday. I wasn't a happy camper. Mark and I got home late last night and wanted to sleep in. Naughty cows. I went outside and scared them away from our bedroom window. Now we can't see them anywhere. I think they're hiding behind the barn. They better stay there. I'm working on five hours sleep.

Video of the deer in our backyard

Deer In Our Backyard

Blaise Having Fun At The Dinosaur Museum With Grandma & Grandpa

Blaise , Grandpa and I went to the dinosaur museum a couple of weeks ago. It just wasn't the same without Kaden and Kohen. Blaise seemed lost without them. He misses them alot. We all do. He keeps saying he wants to go to Iowa. I don't think he realizes how long it would take to go there. He might think it's worth it. We plan on coming to visit when I have vacation days.

Halloween Displays at the Dinosaur Museum