Jul 19, 2008

Melissa Engagement

Melissa got engaged to Zac last night. We're all excited for them.


Brooke said...

oooo, tell her congratulations.

Brooke said...

That's funny you heard we were moving to Vegas! ha ha ha. We are planning on eventually moving but not for like 5 years. Sandy told grandma that we were moving sooner so that she wouldn't send me obnoxious notes in the mail. On another note, I'm not sure if anyone told you but me and James will be in town next Tues til the 5th. We wanted to do a family dinner of some sorts on Friday and of course Souper Salad at some point. I'll keep you updated on what we decide.

Janae said...

What a fun surprise! Yeah! You need to post more details.

Sutton Family said...

HI!! Good to see you today and hang out! We should do it more often. and also..I will never ever let you forget to color your hair!!! From what we saw tonight....that would be a disaster!
Love ya!

Ruthie said...

You're so funny Mindi. I won't quit coloring my hair. No worries there. It was good to see you too. We need to keep in touch more often.

{Rollins Family} said...

yay!! congrats melissa, thats so exciting! what are the deatails?? date and we need pictures!!
p.s i got your messgae but my friend had already dropped them off, i dhuld have called back but i just still feel awful! :(love ya